Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

16 Sarang Semut Terunik di Dunia

1. Every Bug's Dream: Unlimited Light
Spoiler for Every Bug's Dream: Unlimited Light:

ada lampunya...

2. Underwater frozen ant world is a success
Spoiler for Underwater frozen ant world is a success:

seperti es yang membeku...

3. These Jetson ants are having a blast
Spoiler for These Jetson ants are having a blast:

keren uy.. mereka bisa meluncur ke sarang sebelahnya tuh..

4. These ants are especially proud
Spoiler for These ants are especially proud:

berwarna warni seperti

5. The Newest Reality Show: Ant Housewives
Spoiler for The Newest Reality Show: Ant Housewives:

seperti televisi

6. Now With a New Volcanic Disaster Model
Spoiler for Now With a New Volcanic Disaster Model:

modelnya seperti daleman gunung berapi...

7. Lunar modules have nothing on this
Spoiler for Lunar modules have nothing on this:

seperti planet-planet gtu ya..

8. Ants Who Are All About the Benjamins
Spoiler for Ants Who Are All About the Benjamins:

ijo banget uy...

9. Starter Set for Children, the Building Blocks of Tomorrow's Ant Kingdoms
Spoiler for Starter Set for Children:

sayang anak.. sayang anak... dgn starter set ini kita bisa ngatur sendiri sarang semutnya

10. Delicious and High in Protein
Spoiler for Delicious and High in Protein:

jgn diminum yaa...

11. Au Natural
Spoiler for Au Natural:

bernuansa alam...

12. Tower of Babel...The Sequel
Spoiler for Tower of Babel...The Sequel:

ini bukannya sarang rayap yah..?

13. Note the brick red tint, these ants are excellent decorators
Spoiler for Note the brick red tint, these ants are excellent decorators:

merah pisan uy..

14. There is a thriving secret society within
Spoiler for There is a thriving secret society within:

sarang rayap.. kerabat semut...

15. Mount Antmore?
Spoiler for Mount Antmore?:

gede bangeet...

16. In order to understand the ants, you must become them
Spoiler for In order to understand the ants, you must become them:

ini mah sarang semut virtual gan... mau ngerasain gmn rasanya jadi semut...? gunakan Ant's life studio ini...

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